For Your Convenience I have Over 200 Awards Sites Here
- Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence
- Blue Ribbon Grand Champion Award
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- Charmayne's Choice 4 Kids-I'm a Winner!!
- Charmayne's Personal Choice
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- Foxx's Funhouse Best of the Best
- Friend of the Sun Award of Excellence
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- Gee Place Award
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- Gold VIP Award for Website Excellence
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- Gwinckle's Silver Homepage Award
- Heavenly Site Award for Homepage Excellence
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- Hot 5 Site by Annika
- House of Rain Site of the Month Award
- HS Web Design Award
- I Love Your Site
- Ice Maiden's Entertaining & Awesome Site
- Iconia Silver Award
- IMCOMP's Award of Elegance
- Infigan's Graphic Award
- Inkspot's Author Site of the Month
- Internet Xchange's SODA
- Ironman's Award
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- Jaine's Wild Web Page
- Jewel Of the Web Award
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- JW's Excellent Website Award
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- Kat's Pick of the Litter Award
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- Lady Morathi's Award for Web Excellence
- Lady Shel's Shining Star Award
- Laslo's Web Page Design Excellence Award
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- Lilac's Dove of Peace Award
- Lilac's Dove of Peace Award
- Live Long and Prosper Award
- Lucky Black Cat's Award
- Mac's Picks of the Week
- Mark's Award Cool Graphics & Web Design
- Matt's Seal of Approval
- Maverick's Award
- Michael Betz's Bunny Award for Best Web Pages
- Might Grapholina's Excellence in Design Award
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- Ms. Analysis' Precious Page Award
- Munch & Cam's Best Support Pet Award
- NetGiver Award
- NOW! Award for a Perfect Site
- Official Bottom 95% of All Websites
- Oksana Runs to See Award
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- Rad Graphics Award for a Fantastic Web Site
- Raja's Cool Page Award
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- Rex's Choice Out of the World Kid Site
- Rhett's Cool Site of Da'Week Award
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- Screaming Eagle Excellence Award
- Seraphina's Swimming Hole Award
- ShadowDreams Elite Site Award
- Sheila Troy Award
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- Sigillum Qualis Topp 10
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- Southern Lady's Very Special Website Award
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- Starting Point 'Hot Web' Award
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- The Ape Award (A Page with Excellence)
- The Award Ward
- The Best of American HTML by Scotty
- The Bigger Than Me Award
- The Big Boy Awesome Site Award
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- The Dark Crystal Award of Excellence
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- The Glow Award
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- The Lady's Spirit Award of Honor
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- The Mr. Burn's Excellence Award
- The Official Leprechaun Award
- The Real of the Godess Award of Excellence
- The Spirit Award
- The Ultimate Links & Sites Award
- The WOW Award
- This Site has OH's Approval Award
- Thorstad Family Website Award for Excellence
- Tip-Top Shape Award
- Tom's Totally Awesome Award
- Troy's Cool Page of the Day Award
- Unbelievable Web Page
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- VIPER's Sure Strike Award
- Web Excellence Blackmoon Rising
- Web Walker's 'What-A-Site' Award
- Webcounsel's Award for Legal Web Sites
- Website Excellence Award
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- Wendy's Gopher of Award
- Who's Cool In America Award
- Wizard of the Web
- Wonderful Women of the Web
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- Wynterhawk's Award of Excellence